5 Ways To Regain Energy After Caregiver Burnout

As a caregiver for a senior loved one, you want to make sure that your duties are carried out with expertise. You work diligently during days that seem never-ending, and often sleepless nights. Often, you will feel run down and lethargic, but you continue to perform your duties. You also neglect yourself in the process. Taking time off when you are not feeling well is not a viable option. You feel that no one can do the job quite like you. Caregiver burnout is real. You work until you are stressed out and experience some depression. You become tired, but you still continue with your tasks.

What is Burnout?

When you as a caregiver experience burnout, you may not know it. You will be void of energy, listless, irritable, and may have insomnia. It is difficult to care for your senior loved properly if you are not up to par. You will become careless, and this could cause a hazard for both you and your senior loved one. Ignoring caregiver burnout can only make it worse. You will get to a point where you may take out the frustration that accompanies burnout on your senior loved one. They will not understand what you are going through.

Bouncing back from caregiver burnout can be managed easily if you are willing to ask other family members for help, or seek respite care for the older adult. To regain your energy after burnout, Home Care Des Moines has some tips for you;

Things To Do

1. Make an appointment to see your primary care physician. Have a complete physical examination to ensure that you are in good physical health and that there are no underlying causes for your tiredness and other issues. If you have high blood sugar or high blood pressure, have your doctor evaluate any medications that you take. You want to make sure that they are working with your body properly.

2. Take a few minutes out of every day to exercise. You do not have to go to a gym. You can do exercise routines in the home whether they be a low impact for strength, or cardio to keep the heart and blood pumping well.

3. Learn a meditation technique. This does not require a lot of time, but can be very beneficial. It will help your focus and clear your mind so that the brain can be more alert and think smarter.

4. Change your eating habits to include healthy food choices. Healthy foods fuel the body's energy. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, nuts, and lean protein for best results.

5. Change your sleeping pattern. Get a good night's sleep, and the body will be readily energized for the new day. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.


Des Moines Home Care understands that caregiver burnout can be challenging, but proper care of yourself is the key to overcoming it. Be consistent with your new routine, and take a break when you are feeling overwhelmed. Your health is important too.


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